Configure the Learner Module
The Learner module does not require a specific licence.
Use of certain tabs in the Learner module are controlled by the following licences:
- EBS4Agent5 - enables the Ontrack tab
- EBS4DataProtection - enables the Consent tab
- EBS4Medical - enables the Medical tab
- EBS4International - enables the International tab
- EBS4LearnerComms - enables the Learner Docs & Comms tab
- EBS4Solicard - enables the Security Details tab
- PhotoImport - controls importing learner photographs in bulk functionality on the Imports screen
EBS4FamilyContacts - enables the Contacts tab
InternationalAdmin - controls the INZ Admin functionality
You must have the relevant roles configured in User Management to use the tabs in the Learner module.
Related Topics
Click the links below to navigate to the following related topics: